

After having a brilliant season, and the season’s end of the Reichenau Festival,

I was employed as a dramaturge at the Arsonore Festival in Graz early in September. This Autumn is now all about the program planning for the Reichenau Festival 2024. We’re already working on four great pieces. More on that soon.


To my great joy on September 28th my “Iphigenie” will continue to be  performed in the TAG, theater on  the Gumpendorfer Straße, and can also be seen in Villach and in the  Offenes Haus Oberwart. All the dates are posted on the TAG website.


I am also looking forward to resuming „The Goat Learns to Swim”, a music-theater piece for children, to which I contributed the direction and libretto. It will be shown several times in early November as a part of the children’s subscription to the Cultural Centers of Burgenland


Angelika Messner is a playwrite, dramaturg and director living in Vienna. Her work is marked by variety and quality.  Her artistic roots lie in music with her studies of the violin at the universities of music in Graz and Vienna having shaped her effectively. Rhythm, sound, and the musicality of language remain important aspects of her directorial and literary work.



starting 28 September 2023

By Angelika Messner

Based on “Iphigenie auf Tauris” by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

With: Michaela Kaspar, Lisa Schrammel, Jens Claßen, Emanuel Fellmer, Anderes Gaida, Georg Schubert and Jon Sass

Direction: Angelika Messner

Equipment: Heike Werner

Music: Jon Sass

Theater in der Gumpendorfer Straße